In-depth N-glycome profiling of paired colorectal cancer and non-tumorigenic tissues reveals cancer-, stage- and EGFR-specific protein N-glycosylation.
GlyToucan Accession Number: G87313QP
Peak | Intensity |
450.2 | 289.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,3}A_{Man}Z B^{1,3}X_{Gal} B^{0,4}X_{Gal} B^{0,2}X_{Gal} |
470.0 | 175.0 |
Annotations: C |
527.8 | 245.0 |
Annotations: CY CY CY CY YY |
688.2 | 156.0 |
Annotations: BY CZ |
775.3 | 237.0 |
Annotations: C^{0,4}X_{Fuc} C^{1,3}X_{NeuAc} |
822.3 | 189.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,5}A_{Man}Y |
835.8 | 421.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,3}X_{Man}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Man} |
856.9 | 414.0 |
857.4 | 251.0 |
895.8 | 195.0 |
Annotations: YY YY |
905.0 | 183.0 |
Annotations: B^{3,5}X_{Fuc} C^{1,5}X_{Gal} ^{1,5}A_{GlcNAc}Y Z^{0,2}X_{Fuc} ^{0,2}X_{Fuc}Z Z^{1,5}X_{Man} ^{1,5}X_{Man}Z Z^{1,5}X_{GlcNAc} Z^{2,5}X_{Gal} |
905.4 | 340.0 |
Annotations: B^{3,5}X_{Fuc} C^{1,5}X_{Gal} ^{1,5}A_{GlcNAc}Y Z^{0,2}X_{Fuc} ^{0,2}X_{Fuc}Z Z^{1,5}X_{Man} ^{1,5}X_{Man}Z Z^{1,5}X_{GlcNAc} Z^{2,5}X_{Gal} ^{0,2}A_{GlcNAc}Z B^{0,4}X_{Gal} ^{0,2}A_{Man}Z |
910.7 | 201.0 |
Annotations: BZ |
920.4 | 414.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,4}A_{GlcNAc}Y Z^{0,3}X_{Fuc} Z^{3,5}X_{Gal} ^{0,3}X_{Fuc}Z |
938.1 | 261.0 |
958.3 | 265.0 |
Annotations: YY YY |
975.5 | 104.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,5}A_{Man}Z |
980.5 | 271.0 |
Annotations: C^{1,5}X_{NeuAc} ^{0,3}A_{GlcNAc}Y |
1009.0 | 432.0 |
Annotations: CY CY |
1022.3 | 160.0 |
Annotations: YZ ZY ZY ZY YZ YZ |
1029.8 | 501.0 |
Annotations: B^{2,5}X_{Gal} B^{0,2}X_{Fuc} B^{0,2}X_{Fuc} ^{2,4}A_{GlcNAc}Z ^{2,4}A_{GlcNAc}Z Y^{2,4}X_{GlcNAc} |
1030.8 | 289.0 |
Annotations: YZ ZY YY YY YY |
1032.4 | 162.0 |
Annotations: C^{1,4}X_{NeuAc} |
1039.0 | 153.0 |
Annotations: CY CY YY YZ ZY |
1073.0 | 136.0 |
Annotations: Z^{1,5}X_{Gal} Z^{1,5}X_{Fuc} ^{1,5}X_{Fuc}Z ^{1,5}X_{Fuc}Z B^{1,5}X_{NeuAc} ^{2,5}X_{NeuAc}Z ^{1,3}X_{Man}Z Z^{0,4}X_{Fuc} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Z Z^{1,3}X_{Man} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Z Z^{1,3}X_{Man} ^{1,3}X_{NeuAc}Z ^{1,5}X_{Gal}Z Z^{1,5}X_{Gal} |
1082.0 | 110.0 |
Annotations: Y^{1,5}X_{Fuc} ^{1,3}X_{Man}Y Y^{0,4}X_{Fuc} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Man} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Man} ^{1,3}X_{NeuAc}Y ^{1,5}X_{Gal}Y Y^{1,5}X_{Gal} Y^{1,5}X_{Gal} ^{1,5}X_{Fuc}Y ^{1,5}X_{Fuc}Y C^{1,5}X_{NeuAc} ^{2,5}X_{NeuAc}Y |
1082.2 | 305.0 |
Annotations: Y^{1,5}X_{Fuc} ^{1,3}X_{Man}Y Y^{0,4}X_{Fuc} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Man} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Man} ^{1,3}X_{NeuAc}Y ^{1,5}X_{Gal}Y Y^{1,5}X_{Gal} Y^{1,5}X_{Gal} ^{1,5}X_{Fuc}Y ^{1,5}X_{Fuc}Y C^{1,5}X_{NeuAc} ^{2,5}X_{NeuAc}Y |
1085.8 | 177.0 |
Annotations: Y^{1,5}X_{GlcNAc} |
1090.9 | 329.0 |
Annotations: B^{0,2}X_{NeuAc} |
1091.3 | 416.0 |
Annotations: B^{0,2}X_{NeuAc} |
1092.2 | 242.0 |
1093.0 | 249.0 |
Annotations: BZ |
1093.5 | 373.0 |
Annotations: ZZ ZZ ZZ |
1111.5 | 450.0 |
Annotations: YY YY YY |
1111.9 | 3053.0 |
Annotations: YY YY YY |
1112.4 | 1972.0 |
Annotations: YY YY YY |
1113.0 | 1358.0 |
1113.4 | 822.0 |
1113.8 | 219.0 |
1114.0 | 183.0 |
Annotations: YY |
1114.3 | 128.0 |
Annotations: YY |
1129.9 | 211.0 |
Annotations: Y^{1,4}X_{GlcNAc} |
1133.0 | 225.0 |
Annotations: C^{1,5}X_{Fuc} C^{1,5}X_{Fuc} Y^{0,2}X_{Fuc} ^{0,2}X_{Fuc}Y ^{0,2}X_{Fuc}Y ^{2,5}A_{GlcNAc} |
1133.5 | 377.0 |
Annotations: ^{2,5}A_{GlcNAc} |
1134.3 | 327.0 |
Annotations: C^{1,4}X_{NeuAc} ^{2,4}X_{NeuAc}Y |
1141.9 | 273.0 |
Annotations: ^{2,5}A_{Man}Y C^{0,4}X_{Gal} |
1156.4 | 126.0 |
Annotations: Y^{3,5}X_{Fuc} ^{3,5}X_{Fuc}Y ^{3,5}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{0,2}X_{Fuc} Y^{2,5}X_{GlcNAc} Y^{2,5}X_{Gal} |
1165.5 | 248.0 |
Annotations: BZ |
1166.9 | 379.0 |
Annotations: CZ CZ BY BY |
1167.5 | 146.0 |
Annotations: ^{3,5}X_{GlcNAc}Z Z^{3,5}X_{GlcNAc} Z^{3,5}X_{GlcNAc} ^{1,5}X_{NeuAc}Z Z^{1,4}X_{Fuc} ^{1,4}X_{Fuc}Z Z^{0,3}X_{Gal} Z^{1,4}X_{Gal} ^{1,4}X_{Fuc}Z |
1174.5 | 180.0 |
Annotations: ^{2,4}X_{GlcNAc}Z Z^{2,4}X_{GlcNAc} Z^{2,4}X_{GlcNAc} ^{0,2}X_{NeuAc}Z Z^{0,2}X_{NeuAc} Z^{0,2}X_{NeuAc} ^{2,5}X_{NeuAc}Z |
1174.8 | 165.0 |
Annotations: ^{2,4}X_{GlcNAc}Z Z^{2,4}X_{GlcNAc} Z^{2,4}X_{GlcNAc} ^{0,2}X_{NeuAc}Z Z^{0,2}X_{NeuAc} Z^{0,2}X_{NeuAc} ^{2,5}X_{NeuAc}Z |
1177.0 | 142.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,5}X_{NeuAc}Y Y^{1,4}X_{Fuc} Y^{0,3}X_{Gal} Y^{1,4}X_{Gal} ^{1,4}X_{Fuc}Y ^{1,4}X_{Fuc}Y ^{0,3}X_{Gal} |
1180.6 | 483.0 |
1180.9 | 117.0 |
1181.5 | 250.0 |
Annotations: BZ |
1182.5 | 126.0 |
Annotations: B |
1182.9 | 388.0 |
Annotations: B |
1183.9 | 169.0 |
Annotations: BY CZ |
1184.1 | 234.0 |
Annotations: CY CY |
1184.5 | 244.0 |
Annotations: Y |
1186.4 | 543.0 |
Annotations: Y^{3,5}X_{GlcNAc} ^{1,4}X_{Man}Y Y^{0,3}X_{Fuc} Y^{3,5}X_{Gal} |
1196.5 | 676.0 |
1202.4 | 117.0 |
Annotations: Y^{3,5}X_{Fuc} |
1205.5 | 623.0 |
1207.0 | 165.0 |
Annotations: ^{3,5}X_{NeuAc}Y Y^{3,5}X_{NeuAc} Y^{3,5}X_{NeuAc} |
1255.5 | 197.0 |
Annotations: B^{1,5}X_{NeuAc} ^{3,5}A_{GlcNAc}Z ^{1,4}A_{Man}Z ^{0,4}X_{Gal}Z ^{1,3}X_{Gal}Z ^{2,4}X_{Gal}Z Z^{0,4}X_{Fuc} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Z ^{1,3}X_{Fuc}Z ^{2,4}X_{Fuc}Z Z^{1,3}X_{Fuc} Z^{2,4}X_{Fuc} Z^{0,4}X_{Gal} Z^{1,3}X_{Gal} Z^{2,4}X_{Gal} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Z ^{1,3}X_{Fuc}Z Z^{1,3}X_{Fuc} ^{2,4}X_{Fuc}Z Z^{2,4}X_{Fuc} Z^{1,3}X_{Fuc} Z^{2,4}X_{Fuc} Z^{0,4}X_{Gal} Z^{1,3}X_{Gal} Z^{2,4}X_{Gal} ^{1,3}X_{Fuc}Z ^{2,4}X_{Fuc}Z ^{1,3}X_{NeuAc}Z |
1262.5 | 173.0 |
1264.5 | 157.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,3}X_{Gal}Y ^{2,4}X_{Gal}Y ^{1,3}X_{Fuc}Y ^{2,4}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Fuc} Y^{2,4}X_{Fuc} Y^{0,4}X_{Gal} Y^{1,3}X_{Gal} Y^{2,4}X_{Gal} ^{1,3}X_{Fuc}Y ^{2,4}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Fuc} Y^{2,4}X_{Fuc} Y^{0,4}X_{Gal} Y^{1,3}X_{Gal} Y^{2,4}X_{Gal} ^{2,5}X_{NeuAc} Y^{0,4}X_{Fuc} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Fuc} Y^{2,4}X_{Fuc} ^{1,3}X_{Fuc}Y ^{2,4}X_{Fuc}Y ^{1,3}X_{NeuAc}Y ^{0,4}X_{Gal}Y |
1265.7 | 106.0 |
Annotations: ^{3,5}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{3,5}X_{Fuc} ^{3,5}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{3,5}X_{Fuc} ^{3,5}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{3,5}X_{Fuc} |
1272.0 | 179.0 |
Annotations: C^{3,5}X_{Fuc} C^{3,5}X_{Fuc} Y^{0,4}X_{Fuc} Y^{0,4}X_{Fuc} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y Y^{1,3}X_{NeuAc} Y^{1,3}X_{NeuAc} ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y ^{0,4}X_{Fuc}Y ^{1,3}X_{NeuAc}Y ^{1,5}X_{Gal}Y ^{0,3}X_{NeuAc} Y^{0,4}X_{Fuc} Y^{1,5}X_{Man} |
1277.7 | 241.0 |
Annotations: Z |
1285.4 | 757.0 |
Annotations: Z Z Z |
1286.0 | 1163.0 |
Annotations: Y |
1286.5 | 997.0 |
Annotations: Y |
1287.0 | 1758.0 |
Annotations: C^{2,5}X_{NeuAc} |
1287.5 | 870.0 |
Annotations: C^{2,5}X_{NeuAc} |
1288.5 | 245.0 |
Annotations: Y^{1,5}X_{Gal} ^{1,5}X_{Man} |
1294.6 | 222.0 |
Annotations: Y Y Y |
1294.9 | 307.0 |
Annotations: Y Y Y |
1295.3 | 213.0 |
1295.5 | 338.0 |
1296.0 | 289.0 |
1296.3 | 217.0 |
1302.7 | 515.0 |
Annotations: Y^{0,2}X_{Gal} |
1307.5 | 128.0 |
Annotations: ^{0,2}X_{Gal} ^{0,4}X_{NeuAc} |
1324.7 | 131.0 |
1334.5 | 133.0 |
Annotations: Y^{2,5}X_{Fuc} |
1337.6 | 349.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,3}X_{Fuc} ^{2,4}X_{Fuc} ^{0,4}X_{Gal} ^{1,3}X_{Gal} ^{2,4}X_{Gal} ^{1,3}X_{Fuc} ^{2,4}X_{Fuc} ^{1,3}X_{Fuc} ^{2,4}X_{Fuc} |
1337.9 | 784.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,3}X_{Fuc} ^{2,4}X_{Fuc} ^{0,4}X_{Gal} ^{1,3}X_{Gal} ^{2,4}X_{Gal} ^{1,3}X_{Fuc} ^{2,4}X_{Fuc} ^{1,3}X_{Fuc} ^{2,4}X_{Fuc} |
1338.3 | 307.0 |
Annotations: ^{3,5}X_{Fuc} ^{3,5}X_{Fuc} ^{3,5}X_{Fuc} |
1338.6 | 149.0 |
Annotations: ^{3,5}X_{Fuc} ^{3,5}X_{Fuc} ^{3,5}X_{Fuc} |
1346.2 | 188.0 |
Annotations: CY CY |
1346.6 | 1258.0 |
Annotations: CY CY |
1347.0 | 133.0 |
Annotations: ^{1,3}X_{Gal}Y Y^{1,3}X_{Man} |
1347.5 | 364.0 |
1348.5 | 404.0 |
Annotations: Y^{0,3}X_{Fuc} Y^{3,5}X_{Gal} |
1348.8 | 129.0 |
Annotations: Y^{0,3}X_{Fuc} Y^{3,5}X_{Gal} |
1357.5 | 476.0 |
1358.0 | 393.0 |
1359.8 | 221.0 |
Annotations: B^{1,4}X_{NeuAc} |
1363.7 | 173.0 |
1364.6 | 133.0 |
Annotations: Y^{3,5}X_{Fuc} |
1366.4 | 112.0 |
1366.7 | 252.0 |
1367.1 | 737.0 |
1367.6 | 105.0 |
1368.3 | 134.0 |
1552.7 | 109.0 |
1654.6 | 123.0 |
Annotations: CY |
1713.7 | 215.0 |
Annotations: Y^{3,5}X_{Fuc} ^{3,5}X_{Fuc}Y |
1759.0 | 193.0 |
1888.0 | 170.0 |
2023.8 | 132.0 |
2046.8 | 123.0 |
Annotations: Y^{3,5}X_{GlcNAc} |
2064.9 | 458.0 |
2163.8 | 254.0 |
Annotations: B |
2181.7 | 146.0 |
Annotations: C |
2183.0 | 777.0 |
2184.1 | 149.0 |