UniCarb-DB Reference Collection

Structure Calculated Mass Precursor Mass Taxonomy Tissue Reference
748.27 749.3 Homo Sapiens Saliva Salivary MUC7 is a major carrier of blood group I type O-linked oligosaccharides serving as the scaffold for sialyl Lewis x
748.27 749.1 Homo Sapiens Saliva O-linked oligosaccharides from salivary agglutinin: Helicobacter pylori binding sialyl-Lewis x and Lewis b are terminating moieties on hyperfucosylated oligo- N-acetyllactosamine
748.27 749.0 Homo Sapiens Synovial Fluid The glycosylation of human synovial lubricin: implications for its role in inflammation
748.27 749.3 Homo Sapiens Ascitic Fluid O-linked Glycome & Proteome of High Molecular Mass Proteins in Human Ovarian Cancer Ascites: Identification of Sulfation, Disialic Acid and O-linked Fucose
748.27 749.0 Homo Sapiens Gastric Mucosa Presence of terminal N-acetylgalactosamineBeta1-4N-acetylglucosamine residues on O-linked oligosaccharides from gastric MUC5AC: involvement in Helicobacter pylori colonization?
748.27 749.3 Spodoptera Frugiperda Cell Line Mucin-type proteins produced in the Trichoplusia ni and Spodoptera frugiperda insect cell lines carry O-glycans with phosphocholine and sulfate substitutions
748.27 749.3 Spodoptera Frugiperda Cell Line Mucin-type proteins produced in the Trichoplusia ni and Spodoptera frugiperda insect cell lines carry O-glycans with phosphocholine and sulfate substitutions
748.27 749.3 Cricetulus Griseus Cell Line, Transformed O-glycan repertoires on a mucin-type reporter protein expressed in CHO cell pools transiently transfected with O-glycan core enzyme cDNAs